Crooked River Roundup Rodeo

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Crooked River Roundup Rodeo

Date: June 22 - June 24, 2023
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Watch the Stars Come Out: CRR Rodeo Details

  • Over 450 professional rodeo contestants from all across the United States compete to take over $100,000 in prize money!
  • Barrel Man and Clown JJ Harrison
  • Professional Rodeo Announcer Marty Campbell
  • Professional Bullfighters Logan Blasdell, Erick Schwindt and Dave Murdoch
  • Kid's calf scramble every night

Thursday is FAMILY Night Sponsored by FORTIS CONSTRUCTION
Grandstand seating: $25 (13 yrs and older); Kids 12 years and under get in FREE!

Friday is HEROES Night Sponsored by NINEBARK REAL ESTATE
Grandstand seating: $25 (13 yrs and older); $10 (5-12 yrs); 4 and under free.

Saturday is Night Sponsored by LES SCHWAB TIRES
Grandstand seating: $25 (13 yrs and older); $10 (5-12 yrs); 4 and under free.

Rodeo Slack Sponsored by SECURE STORAGE
Free Admission
What is rodeo slack? It’s the time outside of normal performances when extra contestants compete in the rodeo. Since there are a limited number of slots available for each rodeo event during the performances (and sometimes more contestants than slots), these extra participants perform in the slack.

  • Multiple Events to Enjoy at the CRR
    • Tie-down roping
    • Bareback riding
    • Women's breakaway roping
    • Steer wrestling
    • Calf scramble
    • Saddle bronc riding
    • Team roping
    • Barrel racing
    • Bull riding
    • Ranch bronc riding
    • 2nd Annual - "Young Guns" special feature showcasing the next generation of rodeo competitors from ages 6 to 18!

Roundup Week Events

Here’s the tentative schedule of activities happening in Prineville during the rodeo week.

  • Wednesday, June 21
    9 am: Slack* at rodeo arena, free - EVENTS INCLUDE Steer Roping, Barrel Racing
    6 pm: Stampede Street Party/Cattle Drive downtown on Main, coordinated by Prineville-Crook County Chamber
  • Thursday, June 22
    9 am: Slack* at rodeo arena, free - Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Breakaway
    5:30 pm: Gates open
    7 pm: Family Night Rodeo, sponsored by FORTIS CONSTRUCTION
  • Friday, June 23
    9 am: Slack* at rodeo arena, free - Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Breakaway
    5:30 pm: Gates open
    7 pm: HEROES Night Rodeo, sponsored by
  • Saturday, June 24
    10 am: Roundup Parade, downtown Prineville, sponsored by OREGONIANS CREDIT UNION
    11 am: Slack* at rodeo arena, following parade, free - Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping
    5:30 pm: Gates open
    7 pm: Rodeo, sponsored by LES SCHWAB TIRES

*Slack is sponsored each day by SECURE STORAGE

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